Do NOT unzip the resource pack just move the.Download a resource pack of your choice.You can skip 4,5, and 6 if you want to, you have to type this in the "Run" window: %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks.Open Minecraft, select "Options", then "Resource Packs", select your resource pack and select "done".In the ".minecraft" folder, open the "resourcepacks" folder.

In the folder that just appeared, open the ".minecraft" folder.In the textbox inside the "Run" window, type "%appdata%" and click "Ok".The game will now reload itself.ĭirect methods Windows (Java Edition) Go back to Minecraft, the resource pack should now be listed (if not listed then go to the main menu by pressing Esc and repeat step 5) and you can activate it by choosing it and hitting "Done".Paste the file into the resource folder in Minecraft.In Minecraft, click on "Options", then "Resource Packs".Open the folder to which you downloaded the file.Download a resource pack, you should get a.